Student Council comes up with new ideas

Emily Strenski, Features Editor

Student Counsel sponsor LeeAnne Warren said that they are trying to add new projects to their old ones.

“Our ideas are forming,” Mrs. Warren said. “We’re of course going to continue our traditonal events like the talent show or the Thanksgiving food drive, but we’re also coming up with new ideas like Student of the Week and things like that.”

Student Council also held a Halloween bake sale Oct. 31.

On Oct. 28, members of Student Council participated in Teens Make a Difference as they have done in the past.

“Last year was a lot of fun,” junior Ally Warren said. “I enjoyed participating, even though I basically just helped clean and organize rooms in the service center.”

Sophomore Shaylee Watson said that she’s looking foward to her first year in Student Council.

“I’m excited,” Watson said. “It was a lot of fun. I had been looking foward to particpating in Teens Make a Difference and I was glad that it was as awesome as I hoped”

The student council also elected president senior Hope Browning, vice president senior Lauren Castles, secretary junior Audrey Schroeder, treasurer junior Jacob Wilhelm, reporter senior Lane Collins, and historian freshman Cade Strickland at their first meeting.