School receives straight A’s
District rates No. 1 in region
Archer City High School
August 23, 2018
Archer City has been given a straight A district review for the ‘17-’18 school year, and is ranked the No. 1 school in Region 9.
“According to the standard set by the Texas Education Agency accountability system, having straight A’s means that we did very well in all areas: student achievement, school progress and closing the gap,” Superintendent C.D. Knobloch said. “We had A’s in all of those, giving us an overall A.”
Student achievement is based on how much the students know and can perform at the end of the year. In order to receive an A, 60 percent of the student body must meet grade level on the STAAR tests.
“We were given a target, and the student testers met it,” Mr. Knobloch said. “We wouldn’t have done so well if it weren’t for our teachers who work hard to make sure our students meet the goal.”
How the students perform over time and how growth compares to other schools in the district is filed under school progress. A school needs 76 percent of the students to make a year’s worth of academic gain in math and reading and meet grade level.
“Our leadership is so focused on giving students the best possible learning environment while supporting our teachers 100 percent,” algebra teacher Rodney Wilson said. “I absolutely attribute our great scores and growth to them.”
The final category ranked is closing the gap. The district will divide the students into groups and give them targets to reach. The accountability system states 89 percent of the groups must meet the state goal to get an A, as well as show improvement in math and English from last year to this year.
“We aimed high as a school last year to make this happen,” elementary principal Amy Huseman said. “My staff worked incredibly hard to reach our expectations and make our students better. My staff didn’t want to be beat, and they didn’t want any of their students to lack in any area. I’m blessed to have the wonderful staff that I have.”
The school has gained new staff and students following this rating.
“Success draws success,” world geography teacher Tim Pope said. “You can get no higher honor to be ranked No. 1 in all of our region. Our school is growing because of it.”
AP English teacher Carol Campbell said now that the school on top, it’s going to take a lot of work to stay there.
“I’m thrilled for our school,” Ms. Campbell said. “You never know how those numbers are going to turn out. However, now we have that pressure maintaining the top spot. We’re going to have to find ways to keep ourselves and students motivated.”
District Director of Special Programs Vicky Lopez said that the support from the community will help them stay No. 1.
“I know where it’s going, and I know how to keep it there,” Mrs. Lopez said. “It won’t be easy, but it’s doable. We have support from the administration and school board, and with the help of the community, our curriculum is backed. They will help us stay on top.”
Some teachers feel it’s the organizations and sports the school offers that keeps the students motivated to succeed.
“It gives me a lot of satisfaction to know that our school’s organizations care about the students,” Mr. Wilson said. “On the first day of school with football and volleyball players escorting elementary kids to classes and welcoming them, I think that shows those kids that we care about them over here in the high school, and that we’re pushing for them to succeed.”
Biology teacher LeeAnne Warren said she thinks that the school has an amazing thing going.
“I’m extremely happy for everyone involved,” Mrs. Warren said. “I think what we have here is really special, and the rating verifies that. With our new school and technology and staff, I think that we are truly the best.”
According to Mrs. Lopez, she believes the students want to learn and succeed because of how the teachers treat them.
“The teachers don’t see those students as numbers,” Mrs. Lopez said. “They see them as students and treat them as such. The teachers really care about each and every one.
Mr. Knobloch said he’s extremely grateful for his school.
“I’m very proud of our students and staff,” Mr. Knobloch said. “They are really the ones who made this happen.”