FCA takes part in See You at the Pole
Students and FCA sponsor Haley Owen join in a prayer during See You at the Pole.
October 26, 2018
The group of Fellowship of Christian Athletes participated in the Fields of Faith on Oct. 10. at the football stadium.
Fields of Faith is a peer movement that allows thousands of students from multiple schools nationwide to share with each other the importance and details of God’s work and more.
On Sept. 26, FCA sponsor Haley Owen directed the annual See You at the Pole gathering during Success period.
“There were a lot of students,” Owen said. “And I hope to see them in weekly meetings.”
The See You at the Pole event was an experience with over 50 students showing up. One student of those was junior Morgan Essary.
The event was so big “because of everyone inviting their friends mainly,” Essary said. “See You at the Pole has such a big impact on the school since we’re allowed to pray at school.”
FCA has changed since last year, Essary said. From students involvement to number of students, she said the change has been positive.
“This year we’ve had way more students involved, doing the devotionals and praying at the beginnings and ends of meetings,” Essary said.
She said that during previous years the people that have been involved have “always been officers or Owen.”
Mrs. Owen said she wants students to be able to express themselves during meetings.
“I want students to feel like it is a comfortable environment and to come express their faith with others,” Mrs. Owen said.