Security necessary for safety
The new blue security buttons are located next to the existing fire alarms.
October 26, 2018
The overall security surrounding the school has improved in the past years with the new building that was finished in December 2016.
Ever since then the district has taken security to a whole new level around the campus to guarantee our safety.
I believe these additions within the district are very helpful. The news is filled with shootings and smaller incidents involving different schools across the state and nation.
Others may not believe that this is a needed upgrade for the school, but I strongly believe that these add ons are necessary.
A new system of buttons were put in at the start of the school year. The buttons are supposed to be used in situations where an intruder has gained access to the building.
Although some complain about how the new system of safety requires everyone to walk around to the front doors of the school, I don’t think people see just how much more protective this setup is.
Ever since the new school was built, we have just kept getting better and better with security, drills and any other situations. These upgrades are not only protecting students and teachers but can also influence others to enroll in our district.