Student Council hosts elf game
Seventh grader Jesse Pulley shows off Buddy the Elf that he found the first week of the Student Council game.
December 11, 2018
From little hiding elves to assisting parents with their Christmas shopping, Student Council has been teaming up to celebrate this holiday season.
This Christmas, STUCO has been hiding a cut-out picture of Buddy the Elf in the school for the junior high and high school students. The student who finds the elf gets extra Christmas cash for the holidays.
“I know what my Buddy the Elf looks like,” Student Council sponsor LeeAnne Warren said. “If anyone tries to cheat and make a copy of Buddy the Elf and turn it in to me, I’ll know.”
This event will be going on all through this month.
“Every week someone from Student Council takes the cut-out of Buddy the Elf and hides him in the school,” freshman Cherith Meek said. “The first one to find him has to go to Mrs. Warren’s classroom to claim your prize.”
STUCO will be holding a Christmas babysitting event this year. Parents who have to do some Christmas shopping can pay STUCO $5 to watch their children so they can shop for the holiday season without any distractions.
“Parents can drop off their kids in the gym so they can go Christmas shopping,” Student Council president Audrey Schroeder said.
The Christmas babysitting event has been discussed to be held on Dec. 19 but may change later this month.
“We are trying to be better this year,” Mrs. Warren said. “Last year we did not have enough PR so fewer parents came than expected. We are going to try to advertise it more this year because the parents said they didn’t even know about it, so we want to make sure that plenty of parents know about the event this year.”