New Chromebooks
The new Chromebooks have a more compact and thinner appearance.
February 22, 2019
The new Chromebooks, funded with career and technology elective class money, are a newer model with faster processing than the original ones distributed last school year.
One hundred Chromebooks were distributed to those taking career and technology classes. Starting at seniors, the Chromebooks were given to students individually in grade order.
These new Chromebooks, a Dell model, are welcomed by high school career and tech class students.
The older version of the Chromebooks, an HP model, will be transferred to carts in the fifth and sixth grade hallway for more chance for access.
The Chromebooks give everyone better access to not only the internet, but education advancements. The Chromebooks have newer cases with a more compact and less bulky design.
They are also lighter in weight than the older Chromebooks. With the availability to push the screen parallel to the surface, a desk or table, durability and flexibility of the newer Chromebooks have increased.
The Chromebooks are appreciated by the students, and they benefit greatly by allowing more access.