Festival to act as district practice
Senior Maggie Coates, freshman Kadence Huffman, senior Tessa Brooks and sophomores Colton Canada and Ace Reid rehearse a scene from “The Bad Seed.”
February 12, 2020
Today the high school one-act play group performed in a festival to receive critiques so they can prepare for district competition on March 3 in Olney.
The play they are performing is “The Bad Seed” written by Maxwell Anderson based off William March’s novel of the same name. The play is about a young girl named Rhoda who is seemingly perfect but has a dark side, which her friends and family soon discover.
“I like this play because I think it really suits the actors and actresses we have this year,” sophomore Breden Hulse said.
Senior Kodi Graham said he has big goals this year.
“It’s my senior year and I want to go to state,” Graham said. “If we stick with it and try our hardest, we can make it.”
Director Becky Nogle’s goals are to “take it one contest at a time.”
“We just want to get outof district into bi-district and move on from there,” Mrs.Nogle said.
Hulse said he thinks the play can get past district because it has more “meat” to it.
“The characters are more developed and can display more emotion on stage,” Hulse said.
According to OAP members, they have had to adjust to the absence of Mrs. Haley Owen with her youngest child.
“It’s been a strain on Mrs.Nogle, but she’s been doing fantastic running practices on her own,” Graham said.
Mrs. Nogle said it is like “juggling plates” running practices by herself.
“I’m running around answering two or three questions at a time,” Mrs. Nogle said. “I am fortunate that the cast and crew are taking initiative and helping make decisions, as well as making practice run smoothly.”
Graham said it’s “weird” getting into his character of a creeping janitor because he’s never played a role like this before.
“I’m still working on his mannerisms and the way he talks, but I’m getting there,” Graham said.
The group will put on a public performance of “The Bad Seed” at 2:30 March 1 in the auditorium. All parents and other community members are welcome.