4 track girls advance out of district

Sophomore Alyssa Schroeder throws the shot put at the district meet in Petrolia.

Sophomore Malia Jones placed 4th in the 100m dash, freshman Serenity Jones placed 4th in the 200m dash, sophomore Alyssa Schroeder placed 3rd in discus and junior Brynlee Skelton placed fourth in high jump.

“I feel great about advancing, and I feel like I can advance out of area if I work hard enough,” Serenity Jones said. “Since the district meet, we’ve been doing more sprint and block work, as well as just putting in more effort for each practice.”

The varsity girls track team competed at the district meet April 6 in Petrolia.
“I am very proud of how this track season has gone and I’m excited to see how many personal records we set at the district meet,” track coach Whitney Coles said.
Sophomore Alyssa Schroeder throws discuss and shot put. She said her main goal for district was to beat out a girl from Windthorst in her same grade.

“It’s been hard to gauge my improvement over the season because I threw my shoulder out at the first meet, and I’ve thrown JV since,” Schroeder said.
With it being Coles’ first year in Archer, she said the girls have really “bought into” the changes she’s made and are really pushing themselves.
“In the few practices left before district, we really had to anchor ourselves in the small stuff,” Coles said, “stuff like making sure our marks are good in all jumps, practicing and smoothing out handoffs, block work and grinding out the fundamentals in the throwing events.”
Sophomore Malia Jones runs the 4x100m, 4x200m and the 4x400m relays.
“The 4x200m was my best race, but I’ve really improved on the 4x400m this season,” Jones said.
Coles said she hopes for the teams to be running their fastest times and expects the girls to have fun, but she said that looking beyond area, the district and area are extremely competitive.
“I have no doubt that our girls are going to compete to the best of their abilities and attack all events with hopes to advance to area,” she said.
Junior Kaydyn Ritchie does all the same relays as Jones. She said the team’s handoffs are their biggest weakness.
“We’re running about four days of the week and practicing our handoffs as much as possible,” Ritchie said.
Schroeder said she really wants to make it out of district but thinks she can at least place top six.
“I’m better at shot put than discus, but I’ve still been working on my footwork and throwing form every chance I can,” she said.
Jones said she hopes all relays will get out of district. She said they practice handoffs three times a week and that she works out on her own to reach this goal.
“I think if we work hard, every relay can place second at district, but the 4x400m is the race we’ll most likely advance to area in,” she said.
Ritchie, on the other hand, expects the teams to place around third at district and hopes the team can advance all the way to region.
“The biggest thing the relay teams need is a lot more positivity and better attitudes before district,” Ritchie said.