Softball team concludes season

May 15, 2023
The Ladycats have ended the season as bi-district qualifiers.
Head coach Mallory said the team accomplished their goal of finishing third in the district and making the playoffs.
“The season had its ups and downs, but regardless of the score at the end of the games, we had a good time,” she said.
Mooney said the team showed “great improvement” throughout the year.
“The season started out a little rocky,” Mooney said. “We had a lot of young players with limited varsity experience.”
Mooney said the team faced some challenges this season.
“We lost our starting pitcher due to injury and had to find someone to step up and take her place. Junior Brynlee Skelton became our main thrower and showed so much improvement throughout the season,” Mooney said.
The Ladycats made it into playoffs.
“We lost in the bi-district round vs. Muenster,” she said. “We finished 9-6 in district.”
Junior Nicole Crouse said the season started very “unorganized.”
“We had a rough start, but in the end we figured it all out in order for us to become a successful team,” Crouse said. Crouse said this season was a good season for her.
“This season was fun because of the new players,” she said. “We also made some lifelong memories.”
Crouse said the teams faced some difficult challenges.
“We had a hard time trying to be a full on team. We also faced some attitude problems,” she said.
Crouse said the first time they faced Muenster they played better.
“In the first game we faced them we had a couple of good innings,” Crouse said. “The second time we faced them, well it did not go so well. We lost most of our motivation during the game.”
This year was sophomore Brooke Smith’s first year playing softball.
“I learned so much from everyone else and I had a good time with not only the players, but also the coaches,” Smith said.
Smith said she learned many things with this year being her first time playing.
“We started the season with having to learn new positions and getting to work together more,” Smith said. “We learned what the team’s weaknesses and strengths were as we played together. We grew and became more of a team.”