With the start of spring Future FFA members are preparing for judging season.
Agriculture teacher Ryan Crafton said students are getting ready.
“All of my judgers are getting prepared. Some important events that are coming up are Market Barrow on Feb. 14-15. We also have the Jack County Career Development Event contest on Feb. 29. CDEs allows members to get a chance to have practice at livestock, dairy and wildlife judging,” Crafton said.
Senior Zayne Foster participates in dairy and wildlife judging.
“I have been doing these events since I was a freshman,” Foster said.
Foster’s goal is to advance to state.
“Since this is my last year, it would be really great to go to state. As a senior, I plan to make the most out of this year. Going to state would really make this year my best and last year,” Foster said.
This year is freshman Brilee Canada’s first year in FFA.
“So far I am only doing one event which is dairy judging,” Canada said. “I hope to do my best and go as far as I can. I also hope to do better than my brother because he is also in my team.”
Junior Zoey Bates plans to do livestock judging.
“I have done it for the past two years. I prepare by practicing during classes any time I can. I also practice during shows and by doing quizzes,” she said.
Bates also shows pigs and has done so in two states outside of Texas.
“I have shown in Texas, Oklahoma and Iowa too,” Bates said. “My placing depends if my pig is looking good or not and the judges’ ratings. My average placing is between first and fourth.”
Bates shows more than one pig.
“Right know I have six in my barn. I show different breeds, but my favorite are Durocs, Spots and Chesters,” Bates said.
Crafton said participants did well at the stock show on Jan 4-6.
“The show turned out really good,” Crafton said.
Crafton said that although the exhibitors did the best they could, they still have areas to work on. “I think areas that could be improved are exhibitors spending more time with their livestock, being more confident and not focusing on the big crowd,” Crafton said.
Crafton said there were good moments when it came to exhibiting.
“Some good areas the exhibitors had were for some the confidence, fun they had and showing it off while they were in the show ring,” Crafton said. “Others were the amazing livestock they had and the good amount of preparation they put in to prepare for county.”