Drinking warm milk or counting sheep were sleep aids in the past, but teenagers nowadays tend to listen to some type of music or noise to help them fall asleep.
Students, such as senior Katelyn Casillas, have said they listen to some type of noise. Casillas said she uses brown noises, which are lower, deeper sounds, as a sleep aid.
“I don’t have to but I like to listen to brown noises,” Casillas said.
Other students claimed to listen to their music playlist.
Eighth grader Skylar Merkle said she listens to music to go to sleep.
“I will sometimes put my AirPods in and listen to music,” Merkle said.
According to sleepfoundation.org, sleeping is an important part of the human body. It maintains a healthy heart, keeps blood sugar regulated and improves the body’s athletic ability.
As an athlete, sophomore Emily Anderson gets eight hours of sleep using noises as a sleep aid.
“I put a movie on and listen to the movie to go to sleep at night,” Anderson said.
Students, like freshman Aaron Minyard, have a night routine that helps them sleep better at night.
Minyard said he has his own night routine that helps him get his needed sleep at night.
“I turn off the lights, plug in my phone, connect my headphones, put on music and then I grab one of my three blankets,” Minyard said
Junior Carson Chatwell also has a unique night routine that helps him get the right amount of sleep at night.
“I feed and put the dogs in their kennels, take my meds, sometimes play my PS5 and then go to sleep in my hammock,” Chatwell said.
Sleepfoundation.org said that getting the right amount of sleep can benefit an individual’s mood, energy and health for the following day.
Most students get anywhere from four to nine hours of sleep during the night.
Hot baths or even cold showers help the human body relax and acquire the right amount of sleep.
Senior Elijah Foster said he takes a cold shower before he lies down.
“I take a cold shower before I sleep every night,” Foster said.
From the point of view of www.healthline.com, hot or even warm baths have the same effect as cold showers.
Freshman Kaitey David takes hot baths to relax her body before bedtime.
“I take a hot bath for about 30 minutes; then I take a shower to wash my hair,” David said. “After, I wash my face with cold water to soothe my face and it helps me fall asleep faster.”