Over 20 years ago the kindergarten class started annually going to the Fort Worth Zoo with their PALs for an end of the year trip.
This year PALs and kindergarten ate lunch together and started their adventure.
Each PAL was assigned to their own little.
“I had McKinley,” Malia Jones said. “She is one of my favorite kids.
The PALs started off at the beginning of the zoo and made their way around.
“First we went toward the reptile exhibit,” Jones said. “We saw huge snakes, tarantulas, and weird bugs.”
Jones said that this was not her favorite.
“I was grossed out by this exhibit so we only stayed there for about 10 minutes,” Jones said.
Other PALs started their journey in a different exhibit.
“We started off by the penguins and otters,” junior Alyssa Schroeder said. “I love otters. We stayed at the otter exhibit for at least 15 minutes.”
Schroeder said that her favorite part of the zoo was bonding with her little PAL.
“I feel like both me and my little had such a good time together,” Schroeder said.
Some PALs started off their trip in the zoo’s Texas Wildlife exhibit.
“My little and me went to look at all the different animals found in Texas,” junior Haegen Deerinwater said.
Juniors Kellar Crow and Noah Cornell were also with Deerinwater.
“I had a great time with my PAL,” Crow said. “I’d say that our favorite exhibit in the Texas Wildlife area was the huge bear.”
Crow also said that his PAL enjoyed the giraffe exhibit.
“The giraffes were amazing,” Crow said. “This was definitely the best animal my and PAL and I had seen.”
Cornell said that his favorite animal was the alligator.
“My PAL and I stared at the alligators for at least 20 minutes,” Cornell said. “They were taller than me and had huge teeth. We were fascinated by it.”
After two hours of walking around the trip came to an end.
“We stopped in the gift shop before we left,” Jones said, “and both me and my PAL got a stuffed animal to remember this fun trip.”