Kindness Matters

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“A simple act can go a long way.” We hear this a lot, but do we really understand it? A nice smile or a compliment can turn someone’s day around. Dusty Sternadel told us her own story, and taught us an important lesson.

When someone is struggling inside, a simple act of kindness can mean the world to them. With the Be The Good saying for our school, we can all apply this lesson to our everyday lives. Mrs. Sternadel said that her brother was happy, but he just felt like he didn’t belong anymore.

Suicide is very real, and it can affect anyone regardless of age. If a person is showing signs of possibly committing suicide, don’t be afraid to approach them about it. Showing them you care by asking them can assure them that they have somebody to go to.

Make them realize that life will get better, and that they are here for a reason. Let them know that suicide will just pass their pain onto their loved ones. It will never go away. Be a friend and let them know that you will never leave them. Helping just one person can cause them to help someone and so forth. Being the good and listening to someone is the help that is so important.

Being from a small school is so great at a time when you need someone. People will do whatever you need them to. Everybody needs help at some point; it’s part of life. Just ask if you can help. Look for the warning signs and take action.

Reassure them that you are there and always will be. This will give them a sense of hope, and make them realize that life is good. Being the Good can make all different. It could literally mean saving someone’s decision to end it all. Listen carefully and always check on them from time to time. Your concern could save a life.