Fall fashionistas

Students explain cool weather trends

Andrea Hall, Online Editor

Going into the fall season, one can expect to see pumpkins, Halloween decorations and lots of plaid.

According to senior Kacey Hasley, plaid has become the pattern that represents the fall season.

“Plaid came into fashion about a year ago, and it has just really taken off since then,” Hasley said. “I love it, but sometimes I feel like a lumberjack.”

Hasley is not the only one that thinks plaid is reserved for the lumberjacks.

“I like plaid, and I wear it a lot during the cooler months,” junior Anthony Shelton said. “I do get told I look like a lumberjack though.”

Every year I can’t wait until autumn.

— junior Nianica Dorado

Riding boots are the shoes of fall according to sophomore Breanna Howard. She said she only likes to wear them during the fall season.

“I like riding boots because they’re more stylish than my Uggs,” Howard said. “I also like the cute socks that you can wear with them.”

Another fall accessory that is replacing its warmer alternative are cardigans, sophomore Tessa Brooks said.

“Cardigans are a lighter version of a jacket,” Brooks said. “They are nice because when it’s too warm for a jacket, but too cold without one, I turn to my cardigans.”

Seventh grader Rebecca Taggart said that her favorite thing to wear is the “big ‘ole grey sweaters.”

“I just feel so cozy in big sweaters,” Taggart said.

Cozy is also the word junior Nianica Dorado used to describe the autumn colors she said she loves.

Dorado said. “I get to wear my dark colors. To me, they kind of match the way the weather feels.”

Beanies, said sophomore Kodi Graham, are something that he cannot wear until fall because it’s not “socially acceptable” to wear them during any other season.

“I have to wait for fall to come around to bring out my beanies,” Graham said. “It’s also nice when I am having a bad day.”

Senior Emily Jones said that leggings are always acceptable; however, they are more expected to make an appearance during the fall season.

“I love wearing my leggings,” Jones said. “They are comfortable, and I can wear them whenever I want.”