Elementary Knights

Students adventure to Medieval Times

curtsy photo by Yay Baby!

The third and fourth graders took a trip to the Medieval Times.
Fourth grade teacher Mary Ellen Knobloch said the students went on the field trip to reinforce the current work they’re doing in school.
“We went on this field trip because of the great history the show presents,” she said. “We also picked Medieval Times because the trip could inspire the students on their writing prompt this year for the STAAR test.”
Third grader Hayzlee Bledsoe said the whole time she was watching the show, there was never a second something wasn’t going on.

“The whole show was so mesmerizing and I couldn’t stop watching,” she said. “There were knights, a queen and several townspeople that all made it complete.”
Fourth grader Clara Shawver said that there was so much action and it was very entertaining.
“The brave knights were all sword fighting each other,” she said. “It was so cool watching all the action and seeing the knights follow the Knight’s Code.”
Fourth grader Waylon Rater said the food was delicious.
“They gave us so much food it felt like a whole buffet,” he said. “There was chicken, corn, garlic bread and so much more.”
Fourth grader Kalan Stephens said that his favorite part was when his team of knights won.
“There was different teams of knights and each knight represented a color; my team won because the knights representing our team fought the hardest and the best,” he said. “I have to say that winning was my favorite part overall and made the day unforgettable.”
Third grader Hayzlee Bledsoe said the bus ride home was tiring and long.