Cruising into summer

Students reveal vacation plans

Cruising into summer

As summer approaches students talk more and more about where they are going on vacation. This can be in-state vacations or out-of-country vacations.
“A couple months ago one of my friends asked me and my other friend to go on vacation with her,” junior Kambri David said.
Going on vacation with your best friends can be “very exciting,” David said.
“Our plan is to go to Belize,” David said. “Belize is a very beautiful place located on the western edge of the Caribbean Sea.”
David said vacations like these take research and caution.
“Since Belize is a little dangerous, we have to make sure we are with each other at all times,” David said. “We plan to make daily schedules of what we are doing throughout our day. This will help our parents know where we are at all times.”
Belize has different options to do: parasailing, skiing, fishing, waterfall jumping, canoeing, ect.
“Personally I want to tour around and see all of the beautiful sights of the island,” David said.
Belize has many different types of food.
“I am very picky when it comes to food,” David said, “so I am a little nervous about what I’m going to eat there, but based off of my research I’ve done, I’m sure something will be appealing to my taste buds.”
Belize has “so many cool things to offer” and will be “so much fun” David said.
“I can’t wait for our vacation,” David said. “We are going to have the times of our lives.”
Sophomore Alyssa Schroeder is going on a cruise this summer.
“I’m not sure where we are going,” Schroeder said, “but I do know that it is going to be fun.”
Cruises offer entertainment for infants all the way to the elderly.
“I love cruises because I can go off and do my own thing,” Schroeder said, “while the rest of my family are enjoying themselves at a different activity.”
There are different types of cruises. For example, there are Disney cruises, party cruises, Carnival cruises, and others.
“I hope we go on either a Disney cruise or a Carnival cruise,” Schroeder said. “I also hope we go to a beautiful beach.”
Cruises can go to the Maldives, Dominican Republic, Hawaii, Alaska, and more places.
“I really don’t care where we go on the cruise,” Schroeder said, “as long as the beach is pretty and the food is yummy.”
Schroeder said going on summer vacation is what many teenagers look forward to “all school year” and she hopes that everyone going on vacations are “safe and have so much fun!”