The junior varsity boys basketball team has started the season 1 – 1.
The boys won in Bryson last Tuesday.
The boys’ first game was in Bellevue where they went into overtime and lost with a score of 50 – 53.
“We have a lot of people that have skill and have been playing basketball for years,” freshman Gabe Rice said.
Most of the team has a decent amount of experience and skill to be successful, Rice said.
“Our team works pretty well together, other than us needing to communicate better on the court,” Rice said.
Since it is most of the players’ first year playing together, they have other areas to work on, said sophomore Maddox Mayo.
“One of our weaknesses is shooting, so we definitely need to work on that more in practice,” Mayo said.
There is definitely room for much improvement, but overall they are pretty good, Mayo said.
“We are definitely going to improve our defense in the next weeks,” Coach Monty Clay said.
Although some improvement is needed, there are a lot of strengths on this team, Clay said.
“One of our biggest strengths is that the boys are pretty quick and good at pushing the ball,” Clay said. “We have a strong point guard and a variety of bigs to do well on the boards.”
He said the boys work great together for the most part and move the ball pretty well on offense for being just a junior varsity team.
“On defense, we are still learning where we fit best,” Clay said.
Clay said the boys are already showing improvement and he expects more as well.
“My main goal for this team is to learn our defense and offense well, so we can continue to grow,” Clay said. “That way when they make it to varsity they can succeed.”