Quill and scroll inducts 7 new members

The new inductees take the pledge to join Quill and Scroll, the journalism honor society.

Recognized for their achievements in journalism, seven new members were inducted to the Quill and Scroll Honor Society May 6.

The members were Ross Ditto, Maeley Herring, Kennedy Huseman, Grace Morris, Maurisha Murphy, Caylen Myracle and Olivia Taggart.

“I felt honored to be recognized for my hard work over the past two years,” Myracle said. “I’m looking forward to continuing video tech in my senior year.”

Journalism adviser Carol Cox said she is lucky to have such great students.

“Getting to recognize these students for all their contributions to journalism is one of the highlights of my year,” she said.

Quill and Scroll was founded at the University of Iowa, April 10, 1926, by a group of journalism teachers who wished to honor worthy high school journalists.

“A student must meet five qualifications to become a member of the society,” Ms. Cox said. “They must be at least a sophomore, in the upper third of their class, must have done superior work in some phase of high school journalism, be recommended by the journalism adviser and be approved as being worthy of membership by the society’s executive director.”

The induction ceremony was held at Johnny Carino’s in Wichita Falls.

“Johnny Carino’s was a really nice way to celebrate our achievements,” Myracle said. “Italian food has always been one of my favorites.”

The ceremony was conducted by the current members: Morgan Knobloch, Sarah Graves, Olivia Kellar, Erin McGregor and Brendan Wynne.

“It’s cool because I remember my induction,” Wynne said. “I think it’s really neat to see everything come full circle.”